In programming language is custom to start with this hello world program and we follow the same way to start of things. Helloworld.c is basic program to see how the "C" language is defined and used.You can find the code here and you can watch the video.
In this helloworld.c the statements which were written as a whole are called as source code. source code can be from 1 line ti 40,000 line and above. To make things clear printf is a kind of printer,it does exactly the same in "C". Here you will get an idea of using printf function in c and how to comment in "C".commenting will help u understand what actually the code is.Commenting in programming languages is advisory as there may be times when the software should be maintained and corrected for bugs. so commenting helps in finding what exactly you are looking for and help u and reader understand what changes that are to be taken to achieve the desired change.
In this helloworld.c the statements which were written as a whole are called as source code. source code can be from 1 line ti 40,000 line and above. To make things clear printf is a kind of printer,it does exactly the same in "C". Here you will get an idea of using printf function in c and how to comment in "C".commenting will help u understand what actually the code is.Commenting in programming languages is advisory as there may be times when the software should be maintained and corrected for bugs. so commenting helps in finding what exactly you are looking for and help u and reader understand what changes that are to be taken to achieve the desired change.
//provides many standard library functions for file input and output
// put a single line comment use"//"
void main(){
// main function remember that this is the starting point of program execution.
/* //is used to put comments which will help reader understand what does actually this line is meant for */
printf("*****You are inside main block*********");
printf("hello world");
// printf puts what ever You write inside the double quotes........
} // from starting curly braces to end curly braces it from a block.
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